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Today without rucksacks we go to the canyon. If at the entrance of the canyon again crowds of tourists brought in by jeeps and other self-propelled means, then passing 500 meters deep, we remain only us and the canyon sucking us.
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It's nice that Cyprus is a country for track tourists: here you and the roads, and footpaths, and tablets with names of vegetation, and benches, everywhere a caring Cypriot hand was attached.
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Probably, most of us go to the mountains not only to enjoy the views, but also to feel the difficulties and experience some moments of discomfort in comparison with the measured city life, and from this get even more pleasure.
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What gives us a hike in the mountains? First of all, visual pleasure, which grows into inspiration, the desire to live and create. But apart from this, a hike into the mountains teaches endurance, patience and humility, which I personally lacked lately.
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Iceland consumes. Iceland fills itself, becomes a part of you, becoming somewhere on the territory of the brain such a glacier Vatnayekudl, from which the memories slowly break away, sailing through the lagoon of dreams and worldly affairs into the ocean of irretrievable time.
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In addition to beautiful mountains and picturesque Georgian cities, a lot in the campaign means a team. We gathered from different countries, with different professions, goals in life. But we all have one love for mountains and travel. It is difficult to convey in words how warmly in my heart I remember all the guys and our gatherings around the fire.
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Describe the nature of Georgia endlessly: cold mountain rivers, snow-capped mountain peaks, rhododendron flavor, incredibly tasty and cool Narzan springs, fields of daisies, majestic waterfalls and glaciers, endless sky.
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After the campaign I know that I can do what seemed physically impossible. I know that I am hardy and patient when there are no other options. I know that there is no bad weather, there are wrongly selected clothes (c).
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I had a feeling that someone big and wise draws a picture before you. Mountains and forests are canvas, the sun and clouds are paints, and the wind is a brush. And you — a small, nothing decisive spectator, you can only watch how everything changes every minute and infinitely admire the grandeur of what is happening.
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Completion of today was at the waterfall Vettisfossen. Having made beautiful pictures, we returned to the camp and began to prepare dinner. Our instructor decided to diversify our diet by adding to the soup the white mushrooms that grew near our parking lot. It was the first warm evening, and we could sit by the fire, watch the starry sky.
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Arriving in Norway, the first thing that struck, is how low are the clouds. It seemed that you can reach out to them. Mountains and fjords have left in memory unforgettable pictures, have very amazed underground tunnels in length more than 10 km.
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Mountains, forests, rivers ... nothing can ruin a hike if you really like this holiday.
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When people ask me what exactly I remember hiking in the Carpathian Mountains, according somehow just coming incredibly emotional gatherings around the campfire, clean air, delicious mushroom soup with spring water, flavored with wood gulls and black lips and teeth of blueberries, we mercilessly devoured during the journey.
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What did I like about the hike? I have never experienced such a feeling of freedom, tranquility, pacification, as in the hike. Every day new feelings, emotions.
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We pass along the ridge past Nesamovity, several peaks (Turkul, Pozhizhevskaya, Breskul) along the traverse and, finally, we go out to the beautiful Goverla. She's really beautiful!
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We got sick in August 2015. On our first trip with the route, we went to the Eastern Gorgan and realized that without this we can no longer.
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But, 20 kilometers from Batumi is the resort of Kobuletti. We camped right there in the campsite, next to a deserted beach, clean sea, silence, bazaars, simple rural cafes and barefoot happy people. They drank chacha (bomb!), Ate fish and barbecue after the mountains, went for a long time along the embankment home to the tent, at the cafe at the campsite they drank excellent cold coffee in Greece, in the evenings the local danced folk dances, everyone lived idly and nowhere in a hurry . The prices here are more democratic, the market to walk and bargain is a pleasure, to communicate with local people and see their sincere interest. Here is the most delicious and cheap Churchiche. And the national Georgian songs and dances are worth listening to in Mestia, a small town in Svaneti. Svans do it first-class.
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Honestly, in the mountains I did not understand anything, I just was disconnected from the universe. Only now, on arrival comes the result and the result. I became calmer and wiser, the energy smooth, whole and pure, I became kinder to people, problems and fatigue from everyday life seem ridiculous, the attitude to many things has become different, inside there are no barriers for desires, ideas and thoughts. My body, like me, my soul, has reached a new level, my legs have become strong and dexterous, my back strong, my heart pure, devoid of anger, memories, unnecessary stories, grievances, people, discontent. I felt happiness in all his guises and can no longer live and travel the way I used to...
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14 days of total happiness from trifles: fresh tomato, sea breeze, tender socks, clean underwear, shower gel, music, what you get during a short-term civilization. The brain is turned off completely, landscapes are introduced into tantra, satisfaction, pride in oneself and self-confidence +100, immunity becomes so strong that all sores die, fears and pseudo-rules of life fall, you begin to listen and hear people, learn to be silent, endure, hope, learn to be kind, you breathe on the same wavelength with nature, you trust the world, you become a completely different person. Over time, you find your charm in the absence of all these benefits, you sleep in the open air, on the ground, in a tent, a cozy sleeping bag, and wake up at dawn to have time to discover new horizons, both from outside and inside yourself.
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New people, interesting acquaintances, new cities and locations - all this is for me the most valuable experience, which I want to repeat again and again. Now I sigh near the laptop, looking out the window, and I hope to snatch a piece of the next vacation and again to go somewhere to the mountains. Very useful for office plankton, like me :)
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If someone who is not too lazy to read this whole scribbling is interested in my opinion, then I will say that the Hoverla weekend tour is really a steep route for those people who go to the mountains for the first time. One-day route is small, in order to understand whether you like this kind of rest or not. For a greater number of days to go from the first time there is no sense...
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I want to note our forays to the glaciers. To convey the words of the feelings that caused their power and fairy-tale appearance is simply impossible. This must be seen personally. Next to such peaks comes understanding how everything is insignificant and small. Office work and everyday life so sucks us that we cease to feel a sense of freedom, lightness and beauty. Mountains help to throw off the whole burden of cares and completely dissolve in nature.
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Hiking in the mountains is a small life! A life that is not at all like the life we are used to living. Almost all people before the start had different goals: someone wanted to meet new people; someone lose weight; someone just to escape from the ordinary city life. But most importantly, almost everyone had one common goal - the MOUNTAINS! Mountains that change everything, this is the place where a person becomes closer to himself. As Alisa said: "Sooner or later everything will become clear, everything will fall into place and line up in a single beautiful scheme, like lace. It will become clear why everything was needed, because everything will be right. "It is a hike into the mountains that is the right place!
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Even though the night was the wettest, we did not put out the tents, not during the rain, as the next evening. And someone was lucky to sleep in two tents at the same time. Yes, for me it was the first time it was morning when you wake up, and all clothes are damp, and the only thing where it can dry is on you alone. Roma, as always in the morning, we were pleased with a delicious breakfast, some drying almost burned their shoes, I personally managed to burn the footbed of the boot. After a little drying, having rested and organized improvised raincoats for racks (brutally dividing the heavy find of Artem in the Sheshory valleys), we moved in green and moist forests to the CSS Zaroslyak. It seems that Roman said: "The forest is like the British."
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Chernysh was a little dejected and, most likely, felt that I was leaving. With someone had time to measure his teeth, but behaved modestly. I drew attention to a woman who baked delicious chichina, and told the story of the dog that someone was aware of ... Left the black collar, hugged in goodbye, and holding back a tear, went into the minibus. I understood that such a dog can be searched all my life and not found, but I must leave it and, probably, a piece of my heart. And I will never forget this story. Sincerely I hope that the baby is lucky with the new good owner.
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I noticed cats and cattle, and decided to bypass it, so as not to bother, but a little later, when I admired and photographed, I heard a hail. It was a shepherd. He came to me, and I moved forward. It is a bit "swollen" from my dogs, which rushed and barked it. But when they saw that we were friendly, they relaxed. Aznavour called to his house and offered to stay overnight in the koshar. At first I refused, realizing that he had his own kennel, but then decided to tie my dogs in a secluded place among the birches and rhododendrons. The naive were given to this procedure, the lines were useful. I was a little sorry for the dogs, although I understood that they would be all right. They did not even bark when we left. Next, I would like to talk about the specifics of the shepherds' work and way of life, but I'm afraid it will take a lot of attention.
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The sun was frying, but the dog, throwing out the tongue, did not lag behind. Doing halts in the shade. I was amazed at the animal, starting to think about where this hero would go next day. Before the final take-off on the Kyzyl-Aush pass, near the kosh, four shepherd dogs, similar to Caucasians, with cropped ears, flew at us. It was really a war. If I had not dealt with dogs in my life and did not watch the program of Caesar Milan, I would have been eaten along with my "Chernysh". The owner, coming out of the kosh, lazily watched it from afar. Trekking sticks and a terrible bass shout gave us to gradually move away. Once these hulks crushed under him Chernysh, he also bravely defended himself. I again rushed at them, and the dogs retreated a little.
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The path wound among the springs and mosses, so we jumped from stone to stone. But here began the descent and landscapes began to change every minute while we moved. Just that there was nothing but a rare alpine pine, but now there were thickets of raspberries, tall grasses, and soon, we all descended into the forest. The path here is very hospitable and tourists can be met at every step. Again streams and spies.
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The whole day was windy and sunny. The whole ridge is strewn with trenches from the First World War. It is not uncommon to find scraps of barbed wire of those times. So we went to the foot of the Brebeneskul mountain, where we dined in one of the trenches, hiding from the wind, and then climbed to the top.
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Resting in the shade of the last trees and picking up water in the stream, we continued our journey to Ushasty Kamen. The path wound along a hillside overgrown with blueberries and raspberries, so that the jaws worked simultaneously with the legs, and even ahead of them. The ascent took place by small dashes along the path from the bush to the bush :) So little by little we reached the first stone block of the Earthen Stone.
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